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Thursday, February 17, 2011


Hollywoodyaan is a pure entertainment blog for Hollywood film news, reviews, celebrity photos, happenings and the latest celebrity gossips. It offers previews, box office reports, Music info, clips, trailers and the latest film-related data from around the world.

The word ‘Hollywoodyaan’ means “journey to the Hollywood” 

My Favorite Top 10 Films:

1) Titanic
2) Avatar
3) Aliens
4) Lord of the Rings
5) James Bond film series
6) Hellboy
7) 300
8) Pirates of the Caribbean
9) Beowulf
10) The Mummy Returns

Favorite Directors: James Cameron / Michael Bay / Steven Spielberg/ Danny Boyle

Favorite Actors: Arnold Schwarzenegger/ Sylvester Stallone/ Johnny Depp/ Brosnan Pierce

Favorite Actress: Aishwarya Rai / Megan Fox/ Angelina Jolie/ Eva Mendes/ Emma Watson / Kate Winslet

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