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Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kristen Stewart as Stripper in 'Welcome to the Rileys'

The Twilight Saga: New Moon girl Kristen Stewart is acting in a lead role in the thriller film ‘Welcome to the Rileys’. The film is directed by Jake Scott, a veteran music video and short films. The screenplay was written by Ken Hixon of ‘Inventing the Abbotts’, and ‘City by the Sea’ fame. The flick also stars David Jensen and Lance E. Nichols. The film is being planned to be debuted during 2010 Sundance Film Festival.

The film is about Mallory, a troubled teenager who becomes a stripper. On a business trip to New Orleans, a damaged man, played by James Gandolfini, meets her. Later, he and his wife, portrayed by Melissa Leo, try to help Mallory. The young woman, in return, unites the grieving couple who has drifted apart after the death of their daughter.

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