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Friday, April 6, 2012

Madonna tweets Britney-Come on stage and kiss me again

Image Credit: Scott Gries/Getty Images

It’s been nearly 9 years since Madonna kissed Britney Spears at the VMAs. Nine years! If it were a person, that kiss would be in third grade. It’s older than YouTube and Facebook and Suri Cruise!

But I digress. Apparently, Madge and Brit-Brit both have fond memories of the Smooch Heard ‘Round the World. The two pop icons engaged in some harmless flirting on Twitter yesterday after Britney congratulated Madonna on her new album, saying, “every single song is incredible.”

Madonna’s first @-reply was swift and cheeky. “please come on stage and kiss me again,” she wrote. “I miss you!!

Britney shot back with a coy “Tempting…”, which inspired Madonna to tease, “Are you gonna make me work for this?” Britney’s response? “Why of course!” And with that, a thousand fanfiction writers flexed their fingers and started typing.

Watch original kiss by watching the video below, then tell us — should Madonna and Britney re-stage their famous lip lock again?

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