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Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I love 'sexy massage'-Eva Mendes

The biggest pleasure in my life is a ‘sexy massage’ for the hot diva Eva Mendes.

The dusky beauty has suggested that the ideal way to unwind for stressed-out people is a sensual back rub.

"I would recommend a good massage to increase anyone's pleasure quotient," Eva Mendes said. She added that “I am a big pleasure seeker and I really believe in guiltless pleasure, if you're going to do it then just enjoy every second of it, life is just too short!"

The actress, who was recently named the Most Desirable Woman of 2009, also said that another thing that made her happy was to spend time with her family and beloved pet dog.

She also said: "The greatest pleasures in my life are also my family and my dog, Hugo. He is such a big part of my life and the joy I feel when I'm with him is just a beautiful, sweet thing."
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