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Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Jackie Chan’s new film ‘Big Soldier’

Kung-fu actor Jackie Chan is going to star in a film ‘Big Soldier’ and is set during the Warring States Period in China. The film will be made with a $25 million dollar budget. The flick is produced, written by, and starring Jackie Chan in the lead role.

The flick also stars Chinese actors Lee Hom, Lin Peng, and South Korean actor Yoo Seung-Jun will be starring with Ding Sheng, of only the 2008 film Underdog Knight previously, directing.

The Hong Kong actor Jackie Chan said: “the film will focus on the story of three people and a horse. The film is set during the Warring States Period. I play a big soldier, and Lee Hom plays a junior soldier. It's an action picture with black humor plus a bit of romance."

Currently, the shooting of the film is progressing in Beijing, having wrapped up in Yunnan province.
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2 comments: on "Jackie Chan’s new film ‘Big Soldier’"

Anonymous said...

This site is a really good we can enjoy movie.


Anonymous said...


Guys, It is a good movie,movie is based on comedy we can enjoy this movie.

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