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Friday, May 29, 2009

British model Jodie Marsh’s new avatar

British model Jodie Marsh has switched glamour modeling for bodybuilding. The 30 year-old model, who has 32E surgically-enhanced boobs, has gone from a size 12 to a size 6/8 and credits her training for her new look.

Jodie Marsh said: "I started training with a personal trainer called Tim last December in my local gym. At first I just wanted to lose weight and tone up - I was soft all over. But within two weeks, I had definition in my stomach. As I saw my body changing, I really liked my muscles and as Tim is a bodybuilder, it just went from there".

The stunner loves her new body so much that she's considering going into competition. Her routine consists of a daily three-mile cross-country walk with her dog. "I've still got loads (of weight) to go. I might do a bodybuilder competition in future and if so, I've got another 7lbs of fat to lose to be pure muscle. It's something I'm working towards," she said

And, Jodi says: ‘sex and dancing in nightclubs’. She also works out at the gym with her trainer two to three times a week, using a Swiss ball and doing free weights for an hour in total. And she may even compete on the bodybuilder circuit in the future.

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