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Monday, June 1, 2009

Halle Berry to act in ' The Surrogate'

Oscar winner Halle Berry is in talks to star in a thriller film titled ‘The Surrogate’, based on the best-selling book by Kathryn Mackel. Ralph Winter is making the film along with Deborah Giarratana, Robin Guthrie and Susana Zepeda.
Paul Verhoeven is going to direct this film.

The movie is about a couple who hire a surrogate to carry their child and find out mid-term that the surrogate is insane. Berry will play the role of wife who wants to have the child.

Berry last starred in the film "Things We Lost in the Fire’. Currently, the flick ‘The Surrogate’ is under development stage. The movie is written by Rod and Bruce Taylor (The Brave One).

Halle Berry is showing interest to act in this movie and 20th Century Fox is keen to sign her. The official declaration is has yet to disclosed.
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