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Sunday, January 10, 2010

Jackie Chan to Make His Own Musical 'I Am Jackie Chan: The Musical’

The martial arts star Jackie Chan is planning to tell his life story through song and dance and he is writing his own musical song. Jackie said,he's been a fan of American musicals since he was a kid, and now he's eager to complete one of his own - and share his inspiring rise to the top.
Jackie Chan also said, "I love 'The Sound of Music'. When I was young, I didn't know English and I saw the whole movie. I'm planning to do 'I Am Jackie Chan: The Musical'. I've got a very interesting background. I will talk about how I got into the film business... and how I've come to be today. It's a very interesting, classical musical."
Jackie Chan creates huge fan base in Hollywood with the film "Rush Hour" opposite Chris Tucker in 1998. Jackie Chan will be next seen in "The Karate Kid" starring Jaden Smith and Taraji P. Henson.

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