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Monday, January 4, 2010

The most exciting films of 2010!

2.       The a-team
3.       The adjustment bureau
4.       The american
5.       Area 51
6.       Black swan
7.       The beaver
8.       Brooklyn's finest
9.       Clash of the titans
10.   Due date
11.   Green zone
12.   Greenberg
13.   The green hornet
14.   Harry potter and the deathly hallows - part one
15.   Iron man 2
16.   Inception
17.   I love you Phillip Morris
18.   Jonah hex
19.   Kick-ass
20.   Little Fockers
21.   Oceans
22.   The rum diary
23.   Rapunzel
24.   Robin Hood
25.   Shutter Island
26.   The social network
27.   Salt
28.   Saint John of Las Vegas
29.   Toy story 3
30.   The Wolfman

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