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Thursday, January 29, 2009

Fassbender, Dominic West, Olga Kurylenko in Neil Marshall's 'Centurion'

Michael Fassbender, Dominic West and Olga Kurylenko have signed on to star in British writer/director Neil Marshall's upcoming action adventure ‘Centurion’. Marshall's directing films also include ‘Dog Soliders’, ‘The Descent’ and ‘Doomsday’.

The film is touted as a thriller set during the Roman invasion of Britain in A.D. 117, tells the story of Quintus Dias, sole survivor of a Pictish raid on a Roman frontier fort, who marches north with General Virilus' legendary Ninth Legion, under orders to wipe the Picts from the face of the Earth and destroy their leader, Gorlacon.

Michael Fassbender films include in "300", “Hunger”. He will be next seen in Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds" and Peter Webber's "Wuhtering Heights".

As for Dominic West, his credits include 300, Hannibal Rising, and Punisher: War Zone. Olga Kurylenko starred in "Hitman," "Max Payne" and "Quantum of Solace".
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