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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Keanu Reeves to star as Spike Spiegel in 'Cowboy Bebop'

‘Matrix’ hero Keanu Reeves is going to star as Spike Spiegel, a bounty hunter and former member of a crime syndicate in a film titled 'Cowboy Bebop'. Recently he acted in the sci-fi film "The Day the Earth Stood Still”. 'Cowboy Bebop' is a Japanese classic anime TV series and 20th Century Fox is set to produce the flick. The script was written by Peter Craig.

The movie is set in the time 2071 and the story follows the adventure of a crew of bounty hunters traveling around the universe in the year 2071 through the spaceship Bebop.

Speaking to media Keanu Reeves said: “It's got so much style to it, and that's part of its appeal. That kind of Old West, border town, low-tech science fiction aspect. It’s got a Western quality, a Western film noir aspect to it".
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