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Thursday, February 19, 2009

Selena Gomez wants to work with Taylor Swift

Disney singer Selena Gomez reveals her desire to record a song with country music singer Taylor Swift. "We have talked about a duet. I think it would be really neat to have the country vibe," Selena said

Selena further said: “she jumps to the idea because Taylor "is not just plain country, [but] she's got a little pop edge to her. It's something I really admire, so we want to write a really awesome country rock song and it sounds a little weird but we're totally down for that."

Selena Gomez has been busy making music for her not-yet-titled first studio album. The "Wizards of Waverly Place" star has been helped by pop band from Dallas, Forever The Sickest Kids, who consider her as "super fun and one of the most talented, down to earth friends."
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