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Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why women ask for more Sex?

Men talk and think a lot about sex while women desire it more often. What makes women addicted to sex?

'Men think, while women desire.' Gone are the days when ‘demanding sex’ was considered exclusively a man's forte. Today women demand sex greater than men. And they have no qualms about getting vocal about it.

It’s physically pleasurable
Amongst all the other reasons to remain glued to sex, this is the most prominent one. Good sex satisfies your physical urge, which is very normal for anyone to experience. Sex is the most basic need of any person. Today many women are complaining that men are unable to satisfy their physical needs.

Creates positive feelings about oneself
Ideally, great sex means you are enjoying the sexual act and participating equally. It makes you feel good about yourself, thus adding to your self esteem.

Sex has healing powers. It generates positive emotions and makes one feel more confident. When a woman sees her man passionate in the act, admiring her body and moves, it infuses a lot of good feelings within her.

Brings them closer to their man
Physical intimacy releases hormone Oxytocin, which is also known as the love hormone. It’s a very important ingredient for any relationship to sustain. It helps couples to nurture the relationship and strengthen the bond. So having more sex with your partner means lesser cases of infidelity, made sense.

Content Writer Prachi Sinha states, “I feel a major connect with my boyfriend after we make love. I just feel like being close to him. My faith in him and our relationship grows stronger.” Prachi’s boyfriend agrees, “When she told me about the 7 days a week sex, I initially could not stop laughing. I mean, this is not the only thing we have to do. But honestly it has got us closer. I just can’t take my eyes off her even when we are moving in a crowd.”

Negates unwanted emotions/ Stress-reliever
Sex is not just a physical sensation but it’s comforting and relaxing. Sex involves a lot of deep breathing and touching and the hormones that are released during the act calm you down.

Call centre executive Neetu Sharma shares her experience, “Whenever I have a bad day at work, sex really helps me unwind. It totally takes the stress out of my mind and makes me feel relaxed and rejuvenated."

Great form of exercise
Thirty minutes of sex burns more than 85 calories. We have read it almost everywhere that sex helps in burning calories. While this is the most deadly mix, many girls are seriously taking to it.

“It may sound a little funny, but while making love I prefer to play the dominant role. It helps me burn greater calories, leaving my guy in ecstasy,” says Payal Verma.
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