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Saturday, February 7, 2009

Camilla Belle to star as 'Mary, Mother of Christ'

Actress Camilla Belle of ‘Push’ and ‘10,000 BC’ fame is going to portray the role of the mother of Jesus Christ in the film "Mary, Mother of Christ". The 22-year-old actress Belle is playing the title role in the film. "Mary, Mother of Christ" will be produced by Mary Aloe and Dune Films. Alejandro Agresti of "The Lake House" fame is set to direct the film. The script was written by Benedict Fitzgerald and Barbara Nicolosi. The shooting is expected to start in Morocco in May. MGM plans to release the film wide in 2,000-plus theaters April 2, 2010, which coincides with Good Friday.

Jonathan Rhys Meyers is set to star as both Gabriel and Lucifer. Peter O'Toole will play the character of Symeon, the man who meets Mary and her family in the temple shortly after Jesus' birth. Al Pacino and Jessica Lange are in talks to portray the roles of Herod and Anna the Prophetess.
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